Ok...so I know you all are dying to hear about my amazing 4th of July but I thought I would share with you a story...before I forget because I will...so here goes...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl (added detail) who lived in a far away land called Indianapolis. Now this beautiful girl may have had her looks but she wasn't too smart in the head (hey you can't have everything). This girl and her prince charming decided to expand their family and purchase a dog. Now this dog was very cute, but since you can't have everything, he too was lacking in the smarts category. One day while the lovely maiden and her handsome prince were getting ready, they noticed their dog had what looked to be a bunch of dirt. Since dirt has no place in a palace, the prince washed the dog. Although the girl may not be so smart, she does have intuition which has saved her life countless of times and saved her life and home once again. Using her IPhone the girl looked up "fleas" and discovered that this "dirt" might actually be fleas. The prince agreed with the girl once he saw the "dirt" move. The palace was in chaos...dirt and especially FLEAS are not welcomed guests in the palace. While the prince went off to work to make some money so the couple could afford the palace, the girl ran around like crazy and in a frantic manner all day to relieve her house and her dog of fleas. After running around like mad to a place far, far away and to the land known as Wal-Mart, the girl needed to get quarters to wash her royal bedding. She went inside the money palace (aka bank) came out, got in her car, and waited in a line for about 5 minutes, waiting to get out of the parking lot and get on the road. There were cars piling up behind her and some even turned around to find a better route but the girl (who is not so smart) continued to wait. Finally realizing that the stupid driver in front of her was being dumb and not moving, the girl decided to go around the van. As she drove past the van she decided to look inside and give the dumb driver a dirty look. As she went to do this, she soon realized that no one was in the van and she had been sitting behind a parked car the whole time. Although the day was crazy, the girl took time to laugh at herself and realized, yes she may not be so smart, but really, her stupidity has a way of making her day...sometimes. The story ends with the dog and house being rid of fleas and the girl and her prince laughing about the van incident. And luckily...they all lived happily ever after. THE END