This past weekend, Todd and I decided to celebrate Valentine's Day since Monday isn't a very romantic day. Todd and I went to a matinee and watched "Just Go With It." We thought it was hilarious... those kind of movies are perfect for us; humor that Todd likes and a cute love story that I like. We then went to Coldstone with a gift certificate I got for participating in an activity for Todd's school group. It was a cheap, perfect way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Todd then had to watch the BYU game and I went to the library to pick up "The Help." While I was there, this random old man came and talk to me for a good 5 minutes. I was a little creeped out by him but then I realized he was just a lonely man who missed his wife. I'm pretty sure we talked about everything under the sun from high school football to Egypt to heaven to the BYU game (can't seem to ever get away from BYU basketball).
On Valentine's Day morning, Todd made me heart-shaped blueberry pancakes. After that, VDay was all work and school and no play. At work, we break up the day by doing stuff in the actually building and by going out into the community. Around three, I was just getting back from taking a group out to community and I got bombarded by people when I walked in. Everyone wanted to show me something so I finally moved into the teacher's room and found these...
Pretty yellow roses:). The note that came with it said it was from my "secret admirer," Figured it was from Todd. Everyone kept telling me that my dad delivered them but they were from my husband. My dad helped a local florist deliver flowers on the biggest flower day of the year; I was bummed I missed him. Todd also got me "Life As We Know It" (which we watched that night... still want that house and Josh is cute!!) and I got him "Iron Man 2" (so romantic).
The rest of the week has gone pretty normal but we are pretty excited we have a three day weekend. Tonight we are meeting up to have dinner with Craig, Jac and Liv and Billy, Alesa and Eliza; it should be fun. Well that's it, we are still alive and trying to hurry and get through this semester.