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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Goodbye Iowa...and APX

Tonight is my last night her in good ole Iowa. Yesterday I ran some errands and realized that I am a little sad to leave this place. I hate saying goodbyes, even with places and things. Although we only lived here a short time, along with Reno, they are places Todd and I lived and grew (and I attach easily to things and people.). West Des Moines is very pretty. It is green, and clean. Our apartment is nicely located by target and an extremely nice mall (which was my second home here). It lacked some things though: dry air (although it wasn't to bad, I grew accustom to it), mountains and hills and a near by Taco Bell...oh and of course family and friends:). Last night I asked Todd what he is going to miss about Iowa or this summer and he really had nothing to say:). We had a long summer with ups and downs and learned a lot. We are so excited to come home and be with family and friends again (I'll have to actually get ready again, dang). I fly home tomorrow and Todd will drive home next Saturday the 29th! Can't wait to see everyone!


Craig Altom said...

We're so excited to see you! We hope you both travel safe and are really glad you're coming home!!!

Shelly said...

Yay! We can't wait to see you!

Stephanie Lowe said...

Hey I read your blog. Thank goodness the
summer is over! Cute story by the way.