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Monday, January 23, 2012

Bedtime Woes

So ya know how everyone says that once the baby is in his own room everyone sleeps better? Well that is a whole lot of lies!! We decided to bite the bullet a couple of nights ago and move Hayden to his own room. First off, our bedroom is huge again and it is very nice having that space just ours. However, since I love my sleep, I'd give that all up to sleep 8-10 hours straight again. The first night we tried this new arrangement, Hayden woke up at 1, 5 and then at 7. Not only did he wake up three times during a time period that he usually only wakes up once but those monitors suck! It was so loud and I swear it magnified all of Hayden's sound and movements... and it probably did because it was up a little too high... and that static noise, sigh.

On top of everything, Gus kept walking on me and wanting to sleep by me, something I do not appriciate. It was Todd who let Gus into our bed and ever since then, Gus thinks he owns the bed. I have told Todd that he needs to keep him away from me because it's Todd that likes to cuddle with him, not I. Not only did he invade my personal space (and so did Todd) he also wanted to play with his ball that we affectionately call his "crack". When I woke up at 7, I officially wanted all the boys to leave me for about 10 hours straight.

I know I shouldn't complain, I have been blessed with a babe that does sleep well. I must admit, I have been a lot nicer and patient these last few nights (I'm tellin ya, I used to be a monster when I had to wake up before 5), but I want my sleep back. He has been doing better, only waking up one more time then normal (although he might have woken up more last night but the monitor stopped working:) ... oops...). I feel the need to persevere. As much as I want my sleeping baby back and I did at once say that it was ok for him to sleep in our room till he is 18, I really don't want him in our room till he is 18. So the show must go on. Another night is coming and I feel like things will go better tonight, or at least I hope. He has been a very happy baby this last few days though, not that he is ever not that happy. I love how much he talks and how much he smilies these days; he is a great and fun baby. Ok, that was my little complaining session, I'm off to feed the little lad and then make some dinner, YIPPY!


Wohlford Family said...

I remember Emma's first night in her own room! It's hard....but ultimately you'll all be better! Give it some time to adjust and I'm sure in a few days you'll be getting your sleep again! P.S. If John ever wanted to bring a dog in our bed I would seriously consider slapping him.

Shelly said...

Oh no! I'm sorry it's been so rough. I hope he's sleeping better for you now.